2008年7月29日 星期二

[New Journal]Zoosymposia

is a rapid monographic series for collected papers in all branches of zoology. Each volume should compose a symposium or special topic and are edited by its own editors or editorial board, who are responsible for individual manuscript peer review. Accepted volumes are published within two months after the final files are received.


  • Rapid turnaround times

  • International coverage

  • High quality editorial and production services

  • No page charge

  • Simultaneous online and print editions

2008年7月14日 星期一


Entomological News 119(3)
Insect Systematics & Evolution

Zoologica Scripta

Australian Journal of Zoology

Invertebrate Systematics 22(3)

2008年7月2日 星期三

[Journal Alert]First issue of this Entomology journal is freely accessible

NEW: Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology

Dear blah blah,

We are pleased to announce that the first issue of the exciting new journal, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, is now live on ScienceDirect.

The issue is freely accessible until the end of this year.

Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology is the official journal of the Korean Society of Applied Entomology, the Taiwan Entomological Society and the Malaysian Plant Protection Society.

The journal publishes original research papers, review articles and short communications in the basic and applied area concerning insects, mites or other arthropods and nematodes of economic importance in agriculture, forestry, industry, human and animal health, and natural resource and environment management.

The full text of the "Aims and Scope" as well as information on the editorial board can be found on the journal homepage.

You can sign up to receive a free email alert when the next issue of Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology is available on ScienceDirect.

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you desire additional information about the journal and Elsevier , or if you have any suggestions or ideas for Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology.

With kind regards,

Dr Dale Seaton Ph.D
Publisher Life Sciences

Manuscripts can be submitted to
Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology

2008年7月1日 星期二


指考登場 生物難到爆、名師解題傻眼

今年的生物科非常難,需要思考的圖形、閱讀及實驗設計題特別多,只知道死背課本、無法靈活運用的學生,可能得分不高;補 教老師推估,今年的頂標可能只有七十分,比去年低了十四分;而且難的題目太難、簡單的又太簡單,鑑別度不好,學生成績將呈M型分布,中間分數的考生會變 少。

見鬼了, 我們要教育出來的學生不就是要靈活運用知識的學生嗎? 怎麼現在考了靈活的題目又有人在嫌太難? 台灣的教育是補教界在指導嗎?



台北市成功高中考場一位六十三歲的姜姓考生,去年指考成績不理想,今年捲土重來跨組挑戰。 記者盧振昇/攝影



大學指考首日登場,天氣炎熱,台北市和平高中考場蓮花池畔,陪考的家長打哈欠搖扇,考生把握時間複習,一點都涼不下來。 記者陳俊吉/攝影

這個補教老師的演化生物學唸得不好吧? 閱讀第一題的第一小題都已經告訴你始祖鳥和現生其它鳥類為姐妹群了, 那麼羽毛當然是兩者的共有衍徵啊. 這個老師是不是不知道什麼叫單系群啊?
